I have just returned from a break on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey. I intended doing some quality training but as it turned out taking the bike was not a good idea. Prior to leaving home I downloaded to my Garmin what was described as 'A quick 20 mile loop from Beaumaris'. Well, I would like to meet the guy who published this route because quick is was not! In fact I don't recall ever riding such a challenging route. The massive hills were tough but nothing compared to the buffeting winds. These were gusting over 40 knots at times and for most of the ride was either in my face or hitting me side on. I didn't think it would be possible to be blown off your bike but believe me I very nearly was on a couple of occasions. This made it all rather hard work and whilst I am sure it will have done me some good the slow average mph didn't satisfy my expectations of a 'quick loop' and consequently was rather deflating. Back to the normal routine this weekend and the decision whether to join the B group over 70 miles on Sunday.
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