Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What to do with 8 days to go?

My coaching experience is limited but the advice I have received in the past means I am doing the following, which is similar to your plans Stephen. The main difference being I have no after hours work commitments this week and so I can afford the time. Put another way, if I were Stephen Jones this week, I would do exactly what Stephen Jones is doing.

With one week to go I am trying to avoid overly strenuous rides, but doing some training. Time permitting I will try and get out for at least 4 spins and incorporating one longer but gentle 2-3 hour ride. The point being that you will not build any more event beneficial stamina in one week and also bearing in mind the objective is to arrive at the start line with loose limbs, no injuries or illnesses and as little stress as possible.

Similarly, what you do and how well rested you are will depend on all of your commitments, work, sporting and family in conjunction with the training volume you have already put in. The worst mistake you could make now is starting the event over trained and tired - trust me, been there got the t-shirt and it is truly demoralising.

You will also find that if you have been training and provided you recover well, you will ride yourself into the event and the third day may bizarrely seem the easiest!

Summary - do what suits you and keep yourself well, because there is no point in knackering yourself between now and next Thursday.

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